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Winners of TechSIG's Awards

2025 TechSIG's Award Winners

TechSIG Doctoral Student Award

Sushma Kambagowni (University of Pittsburgh) won the year 2025 TechSIG Doctoral Student Award! This prestigious award recognizes an exceptional doctoral student with the potential to make significant contributions to innovation, technology, and interactivity in marketing.

A special thank you to the committee members—Alice Li (Ohio State University), Nita Umashankar (San Diego State University), and Simon Blanchard (Georgetown University).


TechSIG Young Scholar Award

Shiri Melumad (Wharton) won the year 2025 TechSIG Young Scholar Award! This prestigious award recognizes an exceptional young scholar making significant contributions to research and practice of innovation, technology, and interactivity in marketing.

A special thank you to the committee members— PK Kannan (Maryland), Rebecca Walker Reczek (Ohio State) and Rebecca Slotegraaf (Indiana).

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TechSIG Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

Gerard Tellis and P.K. Kannan won the year 2025 AMA TechSIG Lifetime Achievement Award! This award recognizes scholars whose enduring contributions to the fields of innovation, technology, and interactivity have profoundly shaped marketing scholarship and practice.

A special thank you to the committee members— Juanjuan Zhang (MIT), Kapil Tuli (Singapore Management University).

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TechSIG Lazaridis Best Paper Award Recipients

Nathalie Harz, Sebastian Hohenberg, and Christiam Homburg won the year 2025 AMA TechSIG Lazaridis Best Paper Award! This award recognizes an outstanding paper published in the last two years that has significantly advanced the understanding of innovation, technology, and interactivity in marketing.

"Virtual reality in new product development: Insights from prelaunch sales forecasting for durables." Journal of Marketing, 86, no. 3 (2022): 157-179.

A special thank you to the committee members— Ammara Mahmood (Wilfred Laurier Institute, representative from the Lazaridis Institute), Mark Houston (Texas Christian University), and Murali Mantrala (University of Kansas).

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Previous Years' Winners of the Lazaridis Best Paper Award

Best Paper for Research on the Practice of Marketing as it relates to Innovation, Technology and Interactivity, sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute for Management of Technology Enterprises


Abhishek Borah (INSEAD), Sourindra Banerjee (Leeds University), Yu-Ting Lin (University New South Wales), Apurv Jain, Andreas B. Eisingerich (Imperial College). Improvised marketing interventions in social media. Journal of Marketing, 84(2), 69-91, 2021.


Lambrecht, Anja and Tucker, Catherine E., Algorithmic Bias? An Empirical Study into Apparent Gender-Based Discrimination in the Display of STEM Career Ads, Management Science: July 2019, Vol. 65, Issue 7, pp. 2947-3448


Donna L Hoffman, Thomas P Novak, Consumer and Object Experience in the Internet of Things: An Assemblage Theory Approach, Journal of Consumer Research: April 2018, Vol. 44, Issue 6, pp. 1178–1204


Krafft, Manfred, Christine M. Arden, and Peter C. Verhoef (2017), “Permission Marketing and Privacy Concerns – Why Do Customers (Not) Grant Permissions?,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 39-54.


(Honorable mention): Kanuri, Vamsi K., Murali K. Mantrala, and Esther Thorson (2017), “Optimizing a Menu of Multiformat Subscription Plans for Ad-Supported Media Platforms,” Journal of Marketing, 81(2), 45-63.

2017(Inaugural year)

Cait Lamberton and Andrew T. Stephen (2016), “A Thematic Exploration of Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing: Research Evolution from 2000 to 2015 and an Agenda for Future Inquiry.” Journal of Marketing: November 2016, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 146-172

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